Dr. Oliver Heil
Oliver studierte VWL und promovierte in Marketing (Ph.D.). Er ist Univ.-Professor für Marketing und BWL und blickt auf über 25 Jahre internationale Forschung und Lehre im Marketing zurück. Oliver erhält regelmäßig top teaching ratings und wurde von der Business Week mehrfach unter die „Nations Best Marketing Teachers“ gewählt. Er unterstützt das changeleaders Strategy Team in ausgewählten Projekten mit Best Practices Research, als Berater und Faciltator sowie in Executive Education Programs. Zu seinen Kunden zählen u.a. BMW, DASA, Deutsche Telekom, Deutsche Bank, Grohe, Henkel, Lufthansa, Mercedes Benz, P&G, Siemens, T-Mobile, TRW und Siemens.
- International Business
- Marketing Research
- Marketing & Sales Strategies
- Product Management
- Competitive Strategies
- Brand Management
- Luxury Management
- Brand Management
- Marketing & Sales Organization
- Organization of International Conferences
- Corporate Lecturing
- Executive Education
- Marketing Communication
- Information Propagation in Social Media
- Internet Competition
- Digital Marketing
- Computer-based Analysis of Purchase Termination in Retailing
- Corporate lecturing, executive education and consulting worldwide
- International scientific and management boards in ASIA, USA, France, Switzerland, Germany and HongKong.
- Faculty member at universities in Germany, USA and HongKong
- Editorial responsibilities and reviewing of international marketing journals
- Organization of international marketing and business conferences
- Corporate Lecturing , Executive Education and Consulting
- Editorial Responsibilities & Reviewing of Scientific Marketing Publications
- Chaired Univ. Prof. (C4) & Director Center for Research on Luxury and Dirctor for Research on Brand Switching, Lehrstuhl für Marketing & BwL, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
- Visiting Research Fellow, Hong Kong, Lingnan University
- Visiting Research Fellow, UCLA, Anderson Graduate School of Business
- Visiting Research Fellow, HKUST, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
- Faculty, Acting Associate Professor, UCLA, Anderson Graduate School of Business
- Faculty, Visiting Assistant Professor, UCLA, Anderson Graduate School of Business
- Faculty, Assistant Professor, Indiana University, School of Business
- Ph.D. in Marketing,
- Major in Mathematical Economics, Diplom-Volkswirt
- Marketing
- Mathematical Economics
- Econometrics
- University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, Ph.D. in Marketing
- University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, M.S.
- University of Bonn, Major in Mathematical Economics, Diplom-Volkswirt
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